Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Here it comes...

My sister at the Slightly Mad Quilt Lady put up this post with some gorgeous photos of impending weather rolling in across a wide open sky.

Here is my own impending weather shot, though my photo has a few things hers doesn't, other people's roofs, power lines, reminders I am currently ensconced in suburbia....


This yielded but a few drops of rain, although the weather a day or so after this shot more than made up for it. I'm looking forward to summer storms, crackling lightening and rolling thunder (please excuse me talking in cliches, descriptive words escape me tonight), we didn't seem to get much of that last summer.

Gotta love Melbourne weather!


Louisa said...

You've just had the weather we had the previous week - it didn't seem to lose any intensity going from west to east!! Plant pots suffered the worst.

Charlotte Scott said...

Ohh, I love looking at weather like this, kinda gets you excited inside. Must be something to do with being a monkey in a past life - storms could potentially blow you out of your tree!

Kath Lockett said...

I think half of my washing ended up in the car park of the flats next door....

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