Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I managed to hit Spotlight today and picked up some bits of wool felt for Superman, as well as red and blue satin for the rest of him. Nothing much in the remnant bin today, although there was a clearance table with rolls for $3 per metre. So I grabbed a few is a sneaky peak...


I'm planning to use these fabrics for one of my ongoing projects, cloth bags for Christmas, so I can completely do away with paper wrap. I whipped up some last year and they were a hit, easy to make's the greenie in me... recyclable of course.


They looked beautiful under the tree, and no huge mess of paper to fit in the recycling bin. No mess of bits on the floor, no fuss, no sticky tape to run out of, no scissors that you can never find: my husband is now a convert and H loved them too...good for keeping toy soldiers in!

4 comments: said...

wow thats neat!

Cat J B said...

Thanks, we love them too!

em + woz said...

These are fabulous! In Libya it is impossible to buy wrapping paper. Certainly not any resembling anything Christmassy. If you want the really-cheap-awful-looking-thin-grubby-paper-that's-been-sitting-around-in-the-store-collecting-dust-for-years variety then it's on tap.

Anyway, I'm defintely going to buy some fabric and make these.

I love the idea that the kids can recognise the familar colours and designs of the bags year after year. Sort of like the excitement of the familiarity that the old biscuit box full of Christmas decorations brought to me each year growing up.

GREAT idea!

Cat J B said...

Thanks Em, these bags are still going strong!

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