Sunday, June 26, 2011

What we've been up to

Making potions...

Collecting hail...

and eating it...

Playing outdoors...

Making bread.....whoops
(that hole was big enough to fit my fist in!)

Squeezing a bazillion lemons...

Playing a bit of air guitar...

And isn't he cute?

Where's Mr 6? He's around, but I'm finding when I have both of them here, my camera comes out less 'cos I'm busy mediating.

Or Mummypolice, as I call it.

School holidays coming up and we're spending the first week at the mansion.

Lots to do there, less Mummypolicing I hope :)


em + woz said...

Oh my goodness! That making potions photo brought back so many memories I had totally shelved! I used to be hugely into fairies as a young kid and my cousin and I used to make potions all the time! They looked EXACTLY like that! Thanks so much for that little return to my childhood!

Charlotte Scott said...

Hi IS cute! Good luck with holidays and the Mummypolicing, you'll be well qualified for a job in global peace negotiations once they've grown up ;)

Kath Lockett said...

He is indeed very cute. Fact.

His adventures look like great fun too - you're doing a terrific job, even when called upon to be the mediator. :)

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