Thursday, March 11, 2010

More book woes

I exited the shower this morning wondering why it was so quiet. 

Usually when I try and grab a shower I park my little darlings in front of Playschool, where it's mostly guaranteed they'll stay put for the required amount of time and not get up to any wickedness.

Well, this time I didn't do that and Mr I'll-be-2-next-week got up to said wickedness.

How am I going to explain that one away at the library?


Gillie said...

Try telling your six year old's teacher that yes, the two year did unroll all the tape from the cassette and yes, I know I'm a terrible mother!! I do feel your pain! Said two year old is now the wonderful father of William aged 3 months! And the six year old isn't bad either!

Charlotte Scott said...

Oh, wicked, wicked! Probably nothing they haven't seen before though.

Kath Lockett said...

Just blush profusely and promise that next time you take a shower all the pairs of scissors will join you.

Louisa said...

The hardest one we had to explain was how Daddy managed to kick over the full coffee cup that Mum thought she had put out of the CHILDRENS way, on to a large stack of library books!!

Cat J B said...

Gosh, everyone has a library book story, giggle..

My WORST, was when the whole box got wet. The books are in a plastic tub, standing on their ends. The only way each book could have gotten on one end, was if someone upended their drink cup OR ........peed in it. I suspect the latter, as MR about-1-yr was in the habit of climbing onto the box to reach my desk. And I'd let him run round nekkid a lot..... so eeewwwww!

Luckily, I have 'connections' at this library, having worked there in the past, or that little episode would have cost me well over $200, eek!

Cuggles! Kids said...

Easy, with lots of sticky tape! Yep, we've had to do this a few times.

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