Not my personal opinion but a line from the Geelong team song, Geelong being the team that won the AFL Grand Final on Saturday.
I know, it's not relevant to most outside Victoria and really, I have to say it's not that relevant to me either.
But hubby being an avid AFL fan and having no tv at the moment (due to using media center and an upgrade to windows 7 means an upgrade is needed for the video card.....or some such thing) he packed up both kids and went across town to a mates house to watch the game.
Without me.
Woohoo, relaxing kid and hubby free afternoon, here I come!!
So I managed to ignore my pc for the most part and I got some actual, real things done.
Organised some fabric and my WIP stash in my new basket storage system (....freezer baskets that I broke the law to scavenge off the nature strip during hard rubbish collection week, hard core criminal that I am...)

Finished one of the WIPs...

And tidied up the remainder of THIS mess which came about after a friend of ours, The Nut Bloke, asked if I'd make some cupcakes and ice them in football team colours for his market stall on Grand Final Saturday.
I know, it's not relevant to most outside Victoria and really, I have to say it's not that relevant to me either.
But hubby being an avid AFL fan and having no tv at the moment (due to using media center and an upgrade to windows 7 means an upgrade is needed for the video card.....or some such thing) he packed up both kids and went across town to a mates house to watch the game.
Without me.
Woohoo, relaxing kid and hubby free afternoon, here I come!!
So I managed to ignore my pc for the most part and I got some actual, real things done.
Organised some fabric and my WIP stash in my new basket storage system (....freezer baskets that I broke the law to scavenge off the nature strip during hard rubbish collection week, hard core criminal that I am...)

Finished one of the WIPs...

And tidied up the remainder of THIS mess which came about after a friend of ours, The Nut Bloke, asked if I'd make some cupcakes and ice them in football team colours for his market stall on Grand Final Saturday.
They had to be made and decorated on Friday, because The Nut Bloke was picking them up Friday evening for a Saturday morning market.
I ended up working on Friday, kids in tow, so I made the cupackes at work then raced home to decorate them. Hence the mess.
H is enjoying one of the rejects with some good ol' chocolate ganache, after the order went out.
And yes, he's standing there in his jocks, despite the fact it rained nearly all day and maintained a top temperature of about 10c.
And in the the ensuing rush and fluster I forgot to take a picture of my football coloured cupcakes. Decorated in stripes of either blue and white buttercream or red, white and black buttercream. Of course.
Wednesday tomorrow, baking day. Hmmm, what to make?
I'll be sifting through these sites for something that tickles my fancy, cupcake or otherwise:
52 cupcakes
Lick the bowl good
Cookies and cups
Mommy? I'm hungry!
Quirky cooking
Crazy about cakes
Have a look at the photos of Ashley's cupcake decorating party at the above blog, such a great idea for a party.
I wonder if I could adapt it to boys? At what age would something like this stop being cool for boys? I know H who is 4, would looooove to do this, but when he's 7? Or 10? Hmmm.
I ended up working on Friday, kids in tow, so I made the cupackes at work then raced home to decorate them. Hence the mess.
H is enjoying one of the rejects with some good ol' chocolate ganache, after the order went out.
And yes, he's standing there in his jocks, despite the fact it rained nearly all day and maintained a top temperature of about 10c.
And in the the ensuing rush and fluster I forgot to take a picture of my football coloured cupcakes. Decorated in stripes of either blue and white buttercream or red, white and black buttercream. Of course.
Wednesday tomorrow, baking day. Hmmm, what to make?
I'll be sifting through these sites for something that tickles my fancy, cupcake or otherwise:
52 cupcakes
Lick the bowl good
Cookies and cups
Mommy? I'm hungry!
Quirky cooking
Crazy about cakes
Have a look at the photos of Ashley's cupcake decorating party at the above blog, such a great idea for a party.
I wonder if I could adapt it to boys? At what age would something like this stop being cool for boys? I know H who is 4, would looooove to do this, but when he's 7? Or 10? Hmmm.