Thank you to those who have been enquiring both here and behind the scenes whether I am in fact still alive....

Blogging has been on the backburner for a while now as life has felt just too darn busy, partly due to the fact that we're unexpectedly expecting baby number three.
Yup, number three.
Make that BOY number three.
So I'm trying to enjoy the quiet life, or what passes for that in our house, until August when the game is ON.
Recently, the quiet life has included....
A stay at the farm, the farm being the weekend retreat from the mansion.
Yup, terrible hardship that one.
This is the view from one angle...

The boys did some of this...
And plenty of this...
A little bit of this....
(that's not me in case you're wondering, that's one of the farm managers)
(Thanks to the other farm manager)
Then there was start of prep for Mr 5....
The start of pre school for Mr 3.
Still settling in to this one.
Mr 3's birthday.
Turning 3, obviously.
We are now undertaking a re organisation of the inside of our house and garage, rearranging things to fit in an extra person, albeit, a rather small person.
Not sure if this is just an issue if you have boys, but sports equipment seems to breed in our garage and our seemingly huge collection of footballs, soccer balls, basketballs, tennis balls, golf clubs, cricket bats, t-ball bats, badminton rackets, tennis rackets, scooters, bikes and skateboards has taken over the garage to the point where it's difficult to find a safe path to the rear garage door.
Not to mention mine and hubby's snowboards, from the days when we were footloose and child free....
So, to free up space in what will be the baby's dresser, I need to get Mr 3's clothes out of there and into the wardrobe in his room, where he is with Mr 5.
Which means some of the things in that wardrobe need to be moved to storage in the garage.
Which means the garage needs some major organisation to be able to take aforementioned things AND have anyone find them ever again if needed.
So, guess what we'll be doing over Easter weekend?
Yup, organising the garage and working backwards from there.
Update on this long neglected, half-written post:
We DID organise the place over Easter.
Mr 3 started pre-school, hated it and has since stopped going.
Mr 5 is now Mr 6 and we're gearing up for a birthday party this weekend.
Ok, hopefully more regular blogging will happen from now on.
Life continues!