The chooks are getting bigger and braver and just tonight I saw Miss Dangermouse (the black silkie) actually attempting to go UP the ramp.
She has of late been managing to get down it in the mornings but still would not go up.
Until tonight.
But she was nearly thwarted by her mates, who sat at the top of the ramp watching her and would not move their feathery butts out of the way so she could step off the ramp and head inside.
Poor thing, couldn't go back down because she was facing up but couldn't get inside, hubby and I just stood there laughing at the lot of them.
No one's ever said chickens are clever, have they?
The garden's been tootling along alright, it got a bit hot for a lot of the toms there but we have been managing to eat some fresh every day.
And see that funky looking thing on the left? That's our new compost bin, of the spinning variety.
Little man in the picture wanted a ride in it, asked me to empty it of the chicken infused straw I had just put in and give him a spin.
I was tempted...